Lommel Kretschmer have shown that even after conventional treatment of his left hand, the left side of the chest and shoulder half of the patients improved elektrokardiogrammy.Svezhuyu, cooked food and pickled blueberries and prepare for infusion of the leaves and drink arthritis and other diseases sustavov.V drip bag glass jar and pouring water without the addition of about 0.5 cm below the top. Water can be taken directly to the crane, the filter of the house before the compensation or boiled, but in from this source iymed this case the water turned their biological properties deteriorate. Between the electrodes - one bag, and the second bank, including the network. After 5-30 minutes (depending on the desired resistance) of the activated water is prepared. Remove the network devices tin electrodes to get water bag "dead" and move on to another vessel. Elimination of the "living" water filtration, the white flakes -... harmless calcium sometimes recommended to the electrodes, a change simultaneously serve as the cathode electrode, and - the anode, so
Badanie Vegatestem, wieloletni specjalista

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